Project: League of California Community Foundations (LCCF) Web site
URL: www.lccf.org, has been updated to new version
Purpose: Design and develop a Web site for LCCF, a major California league of community foundations working together on local, state, federal legislative issues and sharing resources for organizational development. Needed to incorporate private, member-only sections with access to innumerable PDF, Word, and Excel docuements.
Responsibilities: All art direction, visual design, graphics development, information architecture, site development and maintenance, CGI authentication implementation, document conversions and optimization, deployment and continued maintenance. (2000 - current)
Features: This site features ease of navigation, "open & readable" visual layout, private password protected areas for different membership configurations, 2 moderated bulletin boards, publication listings & links to downloadable documents, membership information & listings, updated latest news sections, and event calendars.
Associates involved: Connie Seidel, Eric Lee
Environment & tools: Macintosh/Windows, BBEdit, Homesite, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, CGI/Perl, PhotoShop, Acrobat, MS Word, MS Excel