Seidel & Associates Design Portfolio
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Project: Infravio

Purpose: Infravio, developer of an XML-based Web Services Management suite needed a new User Interface and architecture on their corporate web site. Projecting a sense of stability, market presence and capability were among the primary focuses, as was reducing what had become chaos on their web server to a simple-to-manage site structure. Because most of the site's maintenance is contracted out to an independent developer, use of web standards in all coding, be it HTML, CSS, JavaScript, or CGI/Perl were important. Every effort was made to simplify coding, layout, imaging, font use, and naming conventions in order to guarantee future integrity of the code base and site structure.

Responsibilities: All art direction & graphics development, assistance with information architecture redesign, development of page templates, navigation, styles and coding standards as well as implementing a staging site to host temporary alterations, additions or other changes within the site structure for editing and debugging purposes. (client: 2002 - 2005; site longevity: 2006)

Features: This project incorporates CSS and a standardized, text-based navigation schema, as well as a sales lead generation form that has been redeveloped to overcome burdensome, non-useful and redundant code. A PHP/MySQL application was developed to enhance the functionality of the sales tracking process as well as make registration for technical paper downloads more efficient and user-friendly.

Associates involved: Connie Seidel, Jean-Louis Brunet, Ralph Hefner

Environment & tools: Macintosh/Windows, BBEdit, XHTML, CGI, Perl, JavaScript, CSS, PhotoShop


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Connie Seidel, Seidel & Assoc., and