Project: Sheer and Sultry
URL: www.sheerandsultry.com
Purpose: Sheer and Sultry, a purveyor of fine lingerie for plus size women needed an e-commerce web store for the express purpose of merchandising products.
Responsibilities: All art direction & graphics development, information architecture, development of base pages and navigation, styles and coding templates, PHP includes and implementation of Miva Merchand shopping cart software.(Client: 2003 - 2007; site longevity: current)
Features: This e-commerce site is built on a Miva Merchant shopping cart system implemented on ISP's server. Products are added to Miva database propigating all product page, shopping cart, customer login & info pages, checkout pages, receipt and communication between customer, site and site proprietor. Transaction back-end is Authorize.net. This site features a unique user interface design unusual in Miva-type sites. PHP includes allow for ease of update to navigatio and ad box areas on static pages.
Associates involved: Connie Seidel
Environment & tools: Macintosh/Windows, BBEdit, XHTML, PHP, Miva Merchant, JavaScript, CSS, PhotoShop