Project: exloco Web site
Purpose: A Web presence for a "clearing house" nonprofit organization spawning initiatives and organizations that will benifit environmental and water awareness in the western United States. exloco needed a way to present newly formed nonprofits as child Web sites under the parent organization (exloco).
Responsibilities: Information architecture and consultation in regard to appropriate Web deployment of content related to a complex array of "budding" organizations and initiatives, each ultimatly spinning off into their own domain. Art direction and incorporation of existing collateral artwork, graphics development, information architecture, development and maintenance. (Client: 2001 - 2007; site longevity: 2007 - still available, just not with original style sheet intact)
Features: Clean, "well-lighted" design presenting organization's core mission and multiple "child" organizations until such time as they become their own parent organization. Simple, persistent, scalable navigation capable of rapid change, update or alteration.
Associates involved: Connie Seidel
Environment & tools: Macintosh/Windows, BBEdit, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, PhotoShop, Acrobat